Last updated on 11 October 2023. The Hungarian minimum wage has just been increased with ca. 15% for 2023, which will affect not only payroll costs, but also various other…
Category: Taxes
Global minimum tax will not affect small businesses in Hungary
Hungary has finally agreed to the introduction of the global minimum tax in the EU. This will make major corporations with a worldwide yearly income over EUR 750 million pay…
Taxes in Hungary 2023
As the end of the year is creeping closer, it is worth starting to prepare for the new year. January is traditionally the season for the introduction of new tax…
5 things to watch out for as a freelancer under flat-rate taxation
Are you a freelancer who pays taxes under flat-rate taxation in Hungary? Whether you are a KATA orphan or have just started your business, there are a bunch of rules…
Taxes on long-term investment in Hungary
Are you looking for long-term investment options in Hungary? Bank deposits, government securities, and stocks are among the most popular options. Whichever you choose, you will be required to pay…
New flat-rate taxpayers: form 2258 is now available online
KATA orphans and other new freelancers: this is your reminder that you are supposed to make a monthly declaration of your taxable income until the 12th of each month in…