Salary Calculator - Employer Costs in Hungary - 2025

Salary Calculator – Updated for 2025

In 2025, personal income tax remains 15%, the social security contribution remains 18.5%, and the social contribution tax remains 13%.

The only major change is that most third-country nationals are no longer eligible for the 3 most prominent tax benefits. Learn more here.

*DISCLAIMER: The calculator below gives you an accurate amount of net / gross salary and total company cost of employment based on the actual Hungarian legislation for 95% of the cases. There are special cases for special groups of the population, where lower taxes and contributions apply; you can read about them here. In these special cases the net salary can be higher for the same company cost, or the total cost for the company can be lower with the same Net salary. For an accurate company cost calculations, or other payroll related questions, please contact our specialists HERE!

Company Cost
Net Salary
Net Salary:
Calculated based on the company cost above
Company Cost:
Calculated based on the net salary above
Are you a third country national except for Serbia/Ukraine
Nr of dependent children*
Nr of children entitled for allowance*
Employee is under 25 years old
* You can find more information on the regulation regarding family tax allowances in Hungary if you click here

The Gross Salary is 0 HUF.

This gross salary should be included in the job contract. Gross salary incluces the net salary plus employee's taxes and contributions (paid by the employer), but excludes the employer's taxes and contributions. EUR/HUF rate: .

Detailed tax, contribution, salary and cost calculation
Employee's taxes and contributions paid by employer:
Social Security Contribution (18,5%):
Income tax (15%, 0 under age 25):
Family Tax Benefit (extra, not included in Net/Gross)
Employer's taxes and contributions paid by employer:
Social Contribution Tax (13%)
Sum employer's cost: