In Hungary, the minimum wage is increased every year so it can remain a living wage against inflation. In line with this, the minimum wage is increased again as of…
Tag: Inflation

Hungarian government budget for 2025 presented
The Hungarian government budget for 2025 was presented to the Parliament on 11 November, and is expected to be finalized by 20 December. It contains not only the amounts to…

Forecast coming up about Hungarian economy in 2024
The next few weeks will be quite eventful regarding forming expectations about Hungarian economy in 2024. Key personalities are giving speeches at current events, and statistical data is also expected…

Salaries and payroll taxes in 2024, Hungary
Like every year, minimum wages have recently been adjusted to offset the impact of inflation. The minimum wage was increased by ca. 15%, and the guaranteed minimum salary by ca.…

Minimum wage in Hungary in 2024
The Hungarian government has announced the minimum wage and the guaranteed minimum salary for 2024. The gross minimum wage will increase by 15%, and the guaranteed minimum salary by 10%.…

Hungarian Tax Authority conducts more tax inspections
The number of yearly tax inspections conducted by the Hungarian Tax Authority has been steadily increasing over the past few years. The most popular tax inspected continues to be VAT,…