Are you a freelancer who pays taxes under flat-rate taxation in Hungary? Whether you are a KATA orphan or have just started your business, there are a bunch of rules…
New flat-rate taxpayers: form 2258 is now available online
KATA orphans and other new freelancers: this is your reminder that you are supposed to make a monthly declaration of your taxable income until the 12th of each month in…
Checklist for KATA orphans and KATA 2.0 subjects in September
If you were a KATA subject, you probably had to make some tough decisions over the last month or so. As 1 September, the great watershed is here, let’s have…
EKHO, the simplified tax for creative professions
EKHO is short for Simplified Tax and Contribution (“Egyszerűsített Közteherviselési Hozzájárulás”) in Hungary. It is a favorable tax regime aimed at creators in various fields intended to promote Hungarian culture.…
KATA alternatives for limited partnerships: TAO, KIVA, EKHO
While flat-rate taxation is a cost-effective alternative for self-employed KATA orphans from September, it is not available for limited partnerships. Instead, they may consider whether TAO, KIVA and/or EKHO are…
KATA alternative no. 1 for the self-employed: flat-rate taxation
Starting from September, many current KATA subjects are losing eligibility for this tax regime. If “KATA orphans” want to continue doing business as self-employed in Hungary, they must choose another…