Other than a popular given name among the ladies, KATA is also an important term when it comes to freelancing in Hungary: it is a special form of taxation for…

Hungarian salary calculator available – in English, online
We proudly announce that our English-language online Hungarian salary calculator is now available. Check out the Hungarian salary calculator Designed for foreign-owned companies Our clients are mostly foreigners operating a…

Minimum wage in Hungary increases
The recent changes to regulations have increased the minimum wage in Hungary by 4%. The guaranteed minimum salary, another type of minimum pay, has also grown by the same amount.…

Changes to payroll taxes as of 1 July 2020
There have already been several tax related changes this year, and now here are the most relevant changes for employers and employees taking effect on 1 July 2020. Reduced social…

Changes to invoicing obligations in Hungary from 1 July 2020
As of 1 July 2020, the obligations related to invoices issued by your Hungarian company will change in order to make the economy more transparent. Certain invoices must be reported…

What to do when you made a mistake on an invoice? Correction and cancellation in Hungary
Since accountancy and bookkeeping is strictly regulated in Hungary, there are also strict rules governing how to correct possible mistakes on invoices. To keep things transparent, you can either create…