Tax payment notices urging businesses to clear their debts

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Tax payment notices urging businesses to clear their debts

The Hungarian Tax Authority is now sending notices to businesses if the payments they made for 2022 do not match the amount they were supposed to pay, whether they are in arrears or in overpayment. If you are not sure, you can also always check your balance online.

Tax payment notices in Hungary

If you operate a business in Hungary, most probably you have an accountant like Helpers Finance that calculates for you what taxes you must pay. Whether or not you have an accountant (although companies are in fact required to have one), slip-ups happen. This is why NAV (the Hungarian Tax Authority) is now sending notices to every business whose payments for 2022 do not match what was calculated for them.

You can expect a notice if you have a debt of at least HUF 5,000 (ca. EUR 15), if you have incurred a fine related to a debt or a late payment, or if you have made an excess payment of at least HUF 1,000 (ca. EUR 3) for any one type of tax. Those with an access to the Company Gate (the portal that lets businesses access electronic administration) receive their tax payment notices electronically, otherwise the notices are delivered by regular mail.

Check and manage your balance online

If you want to make sure your business does not have a tax debt, now is the time to ask your accountant – or check your balance online at NAV’s portal (“Ügyfélportál”, or ÜPO) or in NAV’s mobile app, under “Adószámla” for your balance, and under “Pótléklevezetés” for fines.

If you have a debt or a fine to pay, you can settle that either by a bank transfer to the relevant bank account or by a card payment. Please note that not every type of tax, debt, or fine can be paid by a card by every taxpayer. If the system does not offer you the option for payment by card, you will be required to make a wire transfer.

If you overpaid your taxes, the excess amount can either be paid out to you or used to cover taxes to be paid later. You must declare what you want to happen to these sums, which can be done under “Túlfizetés rendezés” (Managing overpayment) through a form called “Átvezetés és kiutalási kérelem” (Request to carry on or pay out sum).

Avoid fines by working with an expert

Working with an expert accountant such as Helpers Finance lets you avoid excess or late payments, incurring fines, and worrying about managing your taxes and receiving tax payment notices: you will always get precise calculations on time to let you know when and where to pay what. Even if there is a mistake, we can help you clear it up.

Helpers Finance focuses on working with small and medium-sized companies in Hungary, and we have extended experience working with foreign business owners. If you need an ally that helps you keep your Hungarian company compliant with regulations and provides reports that support informed business decisions, get a tailored quote today.

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